Using OpenShift Monitoring Alerts with External Secrets

In this blog we will see how to integrate the External Secrets operator with OpenShift monitoring so alerts are generated when ExternalSecret resources fail to be synchronized. This will be a short blog, just the facts ma’am!

To start with you need to enable the user monitoring stack in OpenShift and configure the platform alertmanager to work with user alerts. In the openshift-monitoring namespace there is a configmap called cluster-monitoring-config, configure it so it includes the fields below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  config.yaml: |
    enableUserWorkload: true
      enableUserAlertmanagerConfig: true

Once you have done that, we need to deploy some PodMonitor resources so that the user monitoring Prometheus instance in OpenShift will collect the metrics we need. Note these need to be in the same namespace as where the External Secrets operator is installed, in my case that is external-secrets.

kind: PodMonitor
  name: external-secrets-controller
  namespace: external-secrets
  labels: external-secrets-cert-controller
    matchLabels: external-secrets-cert-controller
  - port: metrics
kind: PodMonitor
  name: external-secrets
  namespace: external-secrets
  labels: external-secrets
    matchLabels: external-secrets
  - port: metrics

Finally we add a PrometheusRule defining our alert, I am using a severity of warning but feel free to adjust it for what makes sense for your use case.

kind: PrometheusRule
  name: external-secrets
  namespace: external-secrets
  - name: ExternalSecrets
    - alert: ExternalSecretSyncError
        description: |-
          The external secret {{ $labels.exported_namespace }}/{{ $ }} failed to synced.
          Use this command to check the status:
          oc get externalsecret {{ $ }} -n {{ $labels.exported_namespace }}
        summary: External secret failed to sync
        severity: warning
      expr: externalsecret_status_condition{status="False"} == 1
      for: 5m

If you have done this correctly and have an External Secret in a bad state, you should see the alert appear. Note that by default in the console the platform filter is enabled so you will need to disable it, i.e. turn this off:

Platform Filter

And then you should see the alert appear as follows:

External Secret Alert

This alert will be routed just like all the other alerts so if you have destinations configured for email, slack, etc the alert will appear in those as well. Here is the alert in my personal Slack instance I use for monitoring my homelab:

Slack Alert

That’s how easy it is to get going, easy-peasy!

Bootstrapping Cluster Configuration with RHACM and OpenShift GitOps


I’ve been a heavy user of OpenShift GitOps (aka Argo CD) for quite awhile now as you can probably tell from my numerous blog posts. While I run a single cluster day to day to manage my demos and other work I do, I often have the need to spin up other clusters in the public cloud to test or use specific features available in a particular cloud provider.

Bootstrapping OpenShift GitOps into these clusters is always a multi-step affair that involves logging into the cluster, deploying the OpenShift GitOps operator and then finally deploying the cluster configuration App of App for this specific cluster. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a tool out there that could make this easier and help me manage multiple clusters as well? Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager (RHACM) says hold my beer…

In this article we look at how to use RHACM’s policies to deploy OpenShift GitOps plus the correct cluster configuration across multiple clusters. The relationship between the cluster and the cluster configuration to select will be specified by labeling clusters in RHACM. Cluster labels can be applied whenever you create or import a cluster.

RHACM Cluster Overview

RHACM Cluster Overview


One question that may arise in your mind is why use RHACM for this versus using OpenShift GitOps in a hub and spoke model (i.e. an OpenShift GitOps in a central cluster that pushes other OpenShift GitOps instance to other clusters). RHACM provides a couple of compelling benefits here:

1. RHACM uses a pull model rather then a push model. On managed clusters RHACM will deploy an agent that will pull policies and other configuration from the hub cluster, OpenShift GitOps on the other uses a push model where it needs the ability to access the cluster directly. In environments with stricter network segregation and segmentation, which includes a good percentage of my customers, the push model is problematic and often requires jumping through hoops with network security to get firewalls opened.

2. RHACM supports templating in configuration policies. Similar to Helm lookups (which Argo CD doesn’t support at the moment, grrrr), RHACM provides the capability to lookup information from a variety of sources on both the hub and remote clusters. This capability enables us to leverage RHACM’s ability to label clusters to select the specific cluster configuration we want generically.

As a result RHACM makes a compelling case for managing the bootstrap process of OpenShift GitOps.

Bootstrapping OpenShift GitOps

To bootstrap OpenShift GitOps into a managed cluster at a high level we need to create a policy in RHACM that includes ConfigurationPolicy objects to deploy the following:

1. the OpenShift GitOps operator
2. the initial cluster configuration Argo CD Application which in my case is using App of App (or ApplicationSet but more on this below)

A ConfigurationPolicy is simply a way to assert the existence or non-existence of either a complete or partial kubernetes object on one or more clusters. By including a remediationAction of enforce in the ConfigurationPolicy, RHACM will automatically deploy the specified object if it is missing. Hence why I like referring to this capability as “GitOps by Policy”.

For deploying the OpenShift GitOps operator, RHACM has an example policy for this already that you can find in the Stolostron github organization in their policy collection repo here.

In my case I’m deploying my own ArgoCD CustomResource to support some specific resource customizations I need, you can find my version of that policy in my repo here. Note that an ACM Policy can contain many different policy types, thus in my GitOps policy you will see a few different embedded ConfigurationPolicy objects for deploying/managing different Kubernetes objects.

There’s not much need to review these policies in detail as they simply deploy the OLM Subscription required for the OpenShift GitOps operator. However the PlacementRule is interesting since as the name implies this determines which clusters the policy will be placed against. My PlacementRule is as follows:

kind: PlacementRule
  name: placement-policy-gitops
    - status: "True"
      type: ManagedClusterConditionAvailable
      - { key: gitops, operator: Exists, values: [] }

This placement rule specifies that any cluster that has the label key “gitops” will automatically have the OpenShift GitOps operator deployed on it. In the next policy we will use the value of this “gitops” label to select the cluster configuration to deploy, however before looking at that we need to digress a bit to discuss my repo/folder structure for cluster configuration.

At the moment my cluster configuration is stored in a single cluster-config repository. In this repository there is a folder structure under clusters where I keep a set of overlays that are cluster specific in the /clusters folder, each overlay is named after the cluster.

Within each of those folders is a Helm chart deployed as the bootstrap application that generates a set of applications following Argo’s App of App pattern. This bootstrap application is always stored under each cluster in a specific and identical folder, argocd/bootstrap.

I love kustomize so I am using kustomize to generate output from the Helm chart and then apply any post-patches that are needed, for example from my local.home cluster:

kind: Kustomization

- name: argocd-app-of-app
  version: 0.2.0
  valuesFile: values.yaml
  namespace: openshift-gitops
  releaseName: argocd-app-of-app-0.2.0

- ../../../default/argocd/bootstrap

  - target:
      kind: Application
      name: compliance-operator
    patch: |-
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/source/path
        value: 'components/apps/compliance-operator/overlays/scheduled-master'
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/source/repoURL
        value: ''

The reason why post-patches may be needed is that I have a cluster called default that has the common configuration for all clusters (Hmmm, maybe I should rename this to common?). You can see this default configuration referenced under resources in the above example.

Therefore a cluster inheriting from default may need to patch something to support a specific configuration. Patches are typically modifying the repoURL or the path of the Argo CD Application to point to a cluster specific version of the application, typically under the /clusters/<cluster-name>/apps folder. In the example above I am patching the compliance operator to use a configuration that only includes master nodes since my local cluster is a Single-Node OpenShift (SNO) cluster.

You may be wondering why I’m using a Helm chart instead of an ApplicationSet here. While I am very bullish on the future of ApplicationSets at the moment they are lacking three key features I want for this use case:

* No support for sync waves to deploy applications in order, i.e. deploy Sealed-Secrets or cert-manager before other apps that leverage them;
* Insufficient flexibility in templating in terms of being able to dynamically include or exclude chunks of yaml; and
* No integration with the Argo CD UI like you get with App of Apps (primitive though it may be)

For these reasons I’m using a Helm chart to template my cluster configuration instead of ApplicationSets, once these limitations have been addressed I will switch to them in a heartbeat. Continue reading

Integrating OpenShift Pipelines (CI) with GitOps (CD)


When organizations adopt GitOps there are many challenges to face such as how do I manage secrets in git, what directory structure should I use for my repos, etc. One of the more vexing challenges is how do I integrate my CI processes with GitOps, aka CD.

A CI pipeline is largely a synchronous process that goes from start to end, i.e. we compile our source code, we build an image, push it out to deployments, run integration tests, etc in a continuous flow. Conversely GitOps follows an event driven flow, a change in git or in cluster state drives the reconciliation process to synchronize the state. As anyone who has worked with messaging systems knows, trying to get synchronous and asynchronous systems working well together can be akin to herding cats and hence why it is a vexing challenge.

In this blog article I will cover the three different approaches that are most often used along with the pros and cons of each approach and the use cases where it makes sense. I will cover some of the implementation details through the lens of OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton) and OpenShift GitOps (Argo CD).

A quick note on terminology, the shorthand acronyms CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) will be used throughout the remainder of this article. CI is referring to pipelines for compiling applications, building images, running integration tests, and more covered by tools like Jenkins, Tekton, Github Actions, etc. When talking about CD we are meaning GitOps tools like Argo CD, Flux or RHACM that are used to deploy applications.

It’s important to keep this distinction in mind since tools like Jenkins are traditionally referred to as CI/CD tools, however when referencing CD here the intent is specifically GitOps tool which Jenkins is not.


As mentioned there are three broad approaches typically used to integrate CI with CD.

1. CI Owned and Managed. In this model the CI tool completely owns and manages new deployments on it’s own though GitOps can still manage the provisioning of the manifests. When used with GitOps this approach often uses floating tags (aka dev, test, etc) or has the GitOps tool not track image changes so the CI tool can push new developments without impacting GitOps.

CI Managed

The benefit of this approach is that it continues to follow the traditional CI/CD approach that organizations have gotten comfortable with using tools like Jenkins thus reducing the learning curve. As a result many organizations start with this approach at the earliest stages of their GitOps journey.

The drawback of this model is that it runs counter to the GitOps philosophy that git is the source of truth. With floating tags there is no precision with regards to what image is actually being used at any given moment, if you opt to ignore image references what’s in git is definitely not what’s in the cluster since image references are never updated.

As a result I often see this used in organizations which are new to GitOps and have existing pipelines they want to reuse, it’s essentially step 1 of the GitOps journey for many people.

2. CI Owned, CD Participate’s. Here the CI tool owns and fully manages the deployment of new images but engages the GitOps tool to do the actual deployment, once the GitOps process has completed the CI tool validates the update. From an implementation point of view the CI pipeline will update the manifests, say a Deployment, in git with a new image tag along with a corresponding commit. At this point the pipeline will trigger and monitor the GitOps deployment via APIs in the GitOps tool keeping the entire process managed by the CI pipeline from start to end in a synchronous fashion.

CI Owned, CD Participates

The good part here is that it fully embraces GitOps in the sense that what is in git is what is deployed in the cluster. Another benefit is that it maintains a start-to-end pipeline which keeps the process easy to follow and troubleshoot.

The negative is the additional complexity of integrating the pipeline with the GitOps tool, essentially integrating a synchronous process (CI) with what is inherently an event-driven asynchronous activity (CD) can be challenging. For example, the GitOps tool may already be deploying a change when the CI tool attempts to initiate a new sync and the call fails.

This option makes sense in environments (dev/test) where there are no asynchronous gating requirements (i.e. human approval) and the organization has a desire to fully embrace GitOps.

3. CI Triggered, CD Owned. In this case we have a CI tool that manages the build of the application and image but for deployment it triggers an asynchronous event which will cause the GitOps tool to perform the deployment. This can be done in a variety of ways including a Pull Request (PR) or a fire-and-forget commit in git at which point the CD owns the deployment. Once the CD process has completed the deployment, it can trigger additional pipeline(s) to perform post-deployment tasks such as integration testing, notifications, etc.

CI Triggered, CD Owned

When looking at this approach the benefit is we avoid the messiness of integrating the two tools directly as each plays in their own swimlane. The drawback is the pipeline is no longer a simple start-to-end process but turns into a loosely coupled asynchronous event-driven affair with multiple pipelines chained together which can make troubleshooting more difficult. Additionally, the sync process can happen for reasons unrelated to an updated deployment so chained pipelines need to be able to handle this.


In this section we will review how to implement each approach, since I am using Red Hat OpenShift my focus here will be on OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton) and OpenShift GitOps (Argo CD) however the techniques should be broadly applicable to other toolsets. Additionally I am deliberately not looking at tools which fall outside of the purview of Red Hat Supported products. So while tools like Argo Events, Argo Rollouts and Argo Image Updater are very interesting they are not currently supported by Red Hat and thus not covered here.

Throughout the implementation discussion we will be referencing a Product Catalog application. This application is a three tier application, as per the diagram below, that consists of a Node.js single page application (SPA) running in an NGINX container connecting to a Java Quarkus API application which in turn performs CRUD actions against a Maria DB database.

Product Catalog Topology

As a result of this architecture there are separate pipelines for the client and server components but they share many elements. The implementation approaches discussed below are encapsulated in sub pipelines which are invoked as needed by the client and server for reuse. I’ve opted for sub-pipelines in order to better show the logic in demos, but it could just as easily be encapsulated into a custom tekton task.

From a GitOps perspective we have two GitOps instances deployed, a cluster scoped instance and a namespaced scoped instance. The cluster scoped instance is used to configure the cluster as well as resources required by tenants which need cluster-admin rights, things like namespaces, quotas, operators. In this use case the cluster scoped instance deploys the environment namespaces (product-catalog-dev, product-catalog-test and product-catalog-prod) as well as the Product Catalog teams namespaced GitOps instance.

This is being mentioned because you will see references to two different repos and this could be confusing, specifically the following two repos:

1. cluster-config. Managed by the Platform (Ops) team, this is the repo with the manifests deployed by the cluster scoped instance including the product-catalog teams namespaces and gitops instance in the tenants folder.
2. product-catalog. Managed by the application (product-catalog) team, this contains the manifests deployed the namespaced scoped instance. It deploys the actual application and is the manifest containing application image references.

If you are interested in seeing more information about how I organize my GitOps repos you can view my standards document here.

Common Elements

In all three approaches we will need to integrate with git for authentication purposes, in OpenShift Pipelines you can easily integrate a git token with pipelines via a secret as per the docs. The first step is creating the secret and annotating it, below is an example for github:

apiVersion: v1
  password: XXXXXXXXX
  username: XXXXXXXXX
kind: Secret
  name: github
  namespace: product-catalog-cicd

The second thing we need to do is to link it to the pipeline service account, since this account is created and managed by the Pipelines operator I prefer doing the linking after the fact rather than overwriting it with yaml deployed from git. This is done using a postsync hook in Argo (aka a Job) to make it happen. Below is the basic job, the serviceaccount and role aspects needed to go with this are available here.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: setup-local-credentials
  annotations: PostSync HookSucceeded
      - image:
          - /bin/bash
          - -c
          - |
            echo "Linking github secret with pipeline service account"
            oc secrets link pipeline github
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: setup-local-credentials
      serviceAccount: setup-local-credentials
      serviceAccountName: setup-local-credentials
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

CI Owned and Managed

This is the traditional approach that has been around since dinosaurs roamed the earth (T-Rex was a big fan of Hudson), so we will not go into great detail on this but cover some of the OpenShift Pipelines specifics from an implementation point of view.

In OpenShift, or for that matter Kubernetes, the different environments (dev/test/prod) will commonly be in different namespaces. In OpenShift Pipelines it creates a pipeline service account that by default the various pipelines use when running. In order to allow the pipeline to interact with the different environments in their namespaces we need to give the pipeline SA the appropriate role to do so. Here is an example of a Rolebinding in the development environment (product-catalog-dev namespace) giving edit rights to the pipeline service account in the cicd namespace where the pipeline is running.

kind: RoleBinding
  name: cicd-pipeline-edit
  namespace: product-catalog-dev
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: edit
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pipeline
  namespace: product-catalog-cicd

This would need to be done for each environment that the pipeline needs to interact with. Also note that I am taking the easy way and using the OOTB edit ClusterRole in OpenShift, more security conciousness organizations may wish to define a Role with more granular permissions.

If you are using floating tags in an enterprise registry (i.e. dev or test) you will need to set the imagePullPolicy to Always to ensure the new image gets deployed on a rollout. At this point a new deployment can be triggered in a task simply by running oc rollout restart.

CI Owned, CD Participate’s

As discussed previously, in this approach the CI pipeline manages the flow from start-to-finish but instead of doing the deployment itself it defers it to CD, aka GitOps. To accomplish this, the pipeline will clone the manifest repo with all of the yaml managed by GitOps, update the image tag for the new image and then commit it back to git. It will then wait for the GitOps tool to perform the deployment and validate the results. This flow is encapsulated in the following pipeline:

This sub-pipeline is invoked by the server and client pipelines via the tkn CLI since we want to trigger this pipeline and wait for it to complete maintaining a synchronous process. Here is an example that calls this pipeline to deploy a new server image in the dev environment:

tkn pipeline start --showlog --use-param-defaults --param application=server --param environment=dev --prefix-name=server-gitops-deploy-dev --param tag=$(tasks.generate-id.results.short-commit)-$( --workspace name=manifest-source,claimName=manifest-source gitops-deploy

Let’s look at this gitops deployment sub-pipeline in a little more detail for each individual task.

1. acquire-lease. Since this pipeline is called by other pipelines there is a lease which acts as a mutex to ensure only one instance of this pipeline can run at a time. The details are not relevant to this article however for those interested the implementation was based on an article found here.

2. clone. This task clones the manifest yaml files into a workspace to be used in subsequent steps.

3. update-image. There are a variety of ways to update the image reference depending on how you are managing yaml in GitOps. If GitOps is deploying raw yaml, you many need something like yq to patch a deployment. If you are using a helm chart, yq again could help you update the values.yaml. in my case I am using kustomize which has the capability to override the image tag in an overlay with the following command:

kustomize edit set image <image-name>=<new-image>:<new-image-tag>

In this pipeline we have a kustomize task for updating the image reference. It takes parameters to the image name, new image name and tag as well as the path to the kustomize overlay. In my case the overlay is associated with the environment and cluster, you can see an example here for the dev environment in the home cluster.

4. commit-change. Once we have updated the image we need to commit the change back to git using a git task and running the appropriate git commands. In this pipeline the following commands are used:

if git diff --exit-code;
  echo "No changes staged, skipping add/commit"
  echo "Changes made, committing"
  git config --global "pipeline"
  git config --global ""
  git add clusters/$(params.cluster)/overlays/$(params.environment)/kustomization.yaml
  git commit -m 'Update image in git to$(params.application):$(params.tag)'
  echo "Running 'git push origin HEAD:$(params.git_revision)'"
  git push origin HEAD:$(params.git_revision)

One thing to keep in mind is that it is possible for the pipeline to be executed when no code has been changed, for example testing the pipeline with the same image reference. The if statement here exists as a guard for this case.

5. gitops-deploy. This is where you trigger OpenShift GitOps to perform the deployment. In order to accomplish this the pipeline needs to use the argocd CLI to interact with OpenShift GitOps which in turns requires a token before the pipeline runs.

Since we are deploying everything with a cluster level GitOps, including the namespace GitOps that is handling the deployment here, we can have the cluster level GitOps create a local account and then generate a corresponding token for that account in the namespaced GitOps instance. A job running as a PostSync hook does the work here, it checks if the local account already exists and if not creates it along with a token which is stored as a secret in the CICD namespace for the pipeline to consume.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: create-pipeline-local-user
  annotations: PostSync HookSucceeded
      - image:
          - /bin/bash
          - -c
          - |
            export HOME=/home/argocd
            echo "Checking if pipeline account already there..."
            HAS_ACCOUNT=$(kubectl get cm argocd-cm -o jsonpath={.data."accounts\.pipeline"})
            if [ -z "$HAS_ACCOUNT" ];
                echo "Pipeline account doesn't exist, adding"
                echo "Getting argocd admin credential..."
                if kubectl get secret argocd-cluster;
                  # Create pipeline user
                  kubectl patch cm argocd-cm --patch '{"data": {"accounts.pipeline": "apiKey"}}'
                  # Update password
                  PASSWORD=$(oc get secret argocd-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.admin\.password}" | base64 -d)
                  argocd login --plaintext --username admin --password ${PASSWORD} argocd-server
                  TOKEN=$(argocd account generate-token --account pipeline)
                  kubectl create secret generic argocd-env-secret --from-literal=ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN=${TOKEN} -n ${CICD_NAMESPACE}
                  echo "Secret argocd-cluster not available, could not interact with API"
                echo "Pipeline account already added, skipping"
        # The CICD namespace where the token needs to be deployed to
        - name: CICD_NAMESPACE
          value: ""
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: create-pipeline-local-user
      serviceAccount: argocd-argocd-application-controller
      serviceAccountName: argocd-argocd-application-controller
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

Since the argocd-argocd-application-controller already has access to the various namespaces we just reuse it for the job since it needs to create a secret in the product-catalog-cicd namespace, again more security conscious organizations may wish to use more granular permissions.

Finally we also need to give this local account, pipeline, appropriate RBAC permissions in the namespaced GitOps ionstance as well. The following roles are defined in the argocd CR for the namespaced instance:

    defaultPolicy: 'role:readonly'
    policy: |
      p, role: pipeline, applications, get, apps-product-catalog/*, allow
      p, role: pipeline, applications, sync, apps-product-catalog/*, allow
      g, product-catalog-admins, role:admin
      g, system:cluster-admins, role:admin
      g, pipeline, role: pipeline
    scopes: '[accounts,groups]'

Once we have the integration in play we can use a task in the pipeline to trigger a sync in GitOps via the argocd CLI. Unfortunately this part can be a bit tricky depending on how you have GitOps configured given it is an asynchronous process and timing issues can occur. For example if you are using webhooks with GitOps it’s quite possible that the deploy is already in progress and trying to trigger it again will fail.

In this pipeline we took the example Argo CD Sync and Wait task in Tekton Hub and modified it to make it somewhat more resilient. The key change was having the task execute argocd app wait first and then validate if the image was already updated before performing an explicit sync. The full task is available here, but here is the portion doing the work:

if [ -z "$ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN" ]; then
  yes | argocd login "$ARGOCD_SERVER" --username="$ARGOCD_USERNAME" --password="$ARGOCD_PASSWORD";
# Application may already be syncing due to webhook
echo "Waiting for automatic sync if it was already triggered"
argocd app wait "$(params.application-name)" --health "$(params.flags)"
echo "Checking current tag in namespace $(params.namespace)"
CURRENT_TAG=$(oc get deploy $(params.deployment) -n $(params.namespace) -o jsonpath="{.spec.template.spec.containers[$(params.container)].image}" | cut -d ":" -f2)
if [ "$CURRENT_TAG" = "$(params.image-tag)" ]; then
  echo "Image has been synced, exiting"
  exit 0
echo "Running argocd sync..."
argocd app sync "$(params.application-name)" --revision "$(params.revision)" "$(params.flags)"
argocd app wait "$(params.application-name)" --health "$(params.flags)"
CURRENT_TAG=$(oc get deploy $(params.deployment) -n $(params.namespace) -o jsonpath="{.spec.template.spec.containers[$(params.container)].image}" | cut -d ":" -f2)
if [ "$CURRENT_TAG" = "$(params.image-tag)" ]; then
  echo "Image has been synced"
  echo "Image failed to sync, requested tag is $(params.image-tag) but current tag is $CURRENT_TAG"
  exit 1;

Also note that this task validates the required image was deployed and fails the pipeline if it was not deployed for any reason. I suspect this task will likely require some further tuning based on comments in this Argo CD issue.

CI Triggered, CD Owned

As a refresher, in this model the pipeline triggers the deployment operation in GitOps but at that point the pipeline completes with the actual deployment being owned by GitOps. This can be done via a Pull Request (PR), fire-and-forget commit, etc but in the case we will look at this being done by a PR to support gating requirements requiring human approval which is an asynchronous process.

This pipeline does require a secret for GitHub in order to create the PR however we simply reuse the same secret that was provided earlier.

The pipeline that provides this capability in the product-catalog demo is as follows:

This pipeline is invoked by the server and client pipelines via a webhook since we are treating this as an event.

In this pipeline the following steps are performed:

1. clone. Clone the git repo of manifest yaml that GitOps is managing

2. branch. Create a new branch in the git repo to generate the PR from, in the product catalog I use push-<build-id> as the branch identifier.

3. patch. Update the image reference using the same kustomize technique that we did previously.

4. commit. Commit the change and push it in the new branch to the remote repo.

5. prod-pr-deploy. This task creates a pull request in GitHub, the GitHub CLI makes this easy to do:

 gh pr create -t "$(params.title)" -b "$(params.body)"

One thing to note in the pipeline is that it passes in links to all of the gating requirements such as image vulnerabilities in Quay and RHACS as well as static code analysis from Sonarqube.

Once the PR is created the pipeline ends, when the application is sync’ed by Argo CD it runs a post-sync hook Job to start a new pipeline to run the integration tests and send a notification if the tests fail.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: post-sync-pipeline
  generateName: post-sync-pipeline-
  annotations: PostSync HookSucceeded
        - image:
          - "curl"
          - "-X"
          - "POST"
          - "-H"
          - "Content-Type: application/json"
          - "--data"
          - "{}"
          - "http://el-server-post-prod.product-catalog-cicd:8080"
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: post-sync-pipeline
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30


We reviewed the three different approaches to integrating OpenShift Pipelines and OpenShift GitOps and then examined a concrete implementation of each approach.

Managing OpenShift Pipelines Configuration with GitOps

OpenShift Pipelines enables you to manage the configuration of the operator via a global TektonConfig object called config. In this blog entry we will look at how to use GitOps to manage this object but first a bit of background about the use case where I need to do this.

In OpenShift Pipelines 1.6 in OpenShift 4.9 the ability to control the scope of the when statement in tekton with respect to whether the task or the task and it’s dependant chain of tasks was skipped. Previous to this release, the setting could not be changed and was set to skip the task and it’s dependant tasks. This meant you could not use the when statement if you only wanted to skip a specific task which greatly limited the usefullness of when in my humble opinion.

Thus I was super excited with the 1.6 release to be able to control this setting via the scope-when-expressions-to-task configuration variable. More details on this configutation setting can be found in the tekton documentation here.

One complication with the global config object is that it is created and managed by the operator. While you could potentially have GitOps overwrite the configuration with your version you need to be cognizant that the newer versions of Pipelines could add new configuration settings which would be overwritten by your copy in git and thereby cause compatibility issues. You could certainly deal with it by checking the generated “config” object on operator upgrades and update your copy accordingly but I prefer to use a patching strategy to make it more fire and forget.

As a result, we can use our trusty Kubernetes job to patch this config object as needed. To patch this particular setting, a simple “oc patch” command will suffice as follows:

oc patch TektonConfig config --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/pipeline/scope-when-expressions-to-task", "value":true}]'

Wrapping this in a job is similarly straightforward:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
  namespace: openshift-operators
  annotations: PostSync HookSucceeded
        - image:
            - /bin/bash
            - -c
            - |
              echo "Waiting for TektonConfig config to be present"
              until oc get TektonConfig config -n openshift-operators
                sleep $SLEEP;
              echo "Patching TektonConfig config patameters"
              oc patch TektonConfig config --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/pipeline/scope-when-expressions-to-task", "value":true}]'
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
            - name: SLEEP
              value: "5"
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
      serviceAccount: patch-tekton-config-parameters
      serviceAccountName: patch-tekton-config-parameters

A couple of items to note in this job. Since I’m deploying this job with the operator itself I have the job wait until the TektonConfig object is available though I should probably improve this to limit how long it waits since it currently waits forever.

Second notice that I’m using a separate serviceaccount patch-tekton-config-parameters for this job, this is so I can tailor the permissions to just those needed to patch the TektonConfig object as per below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
  namespace: openshift-operators
kind: ClusterRole
  name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
  - apiGroups:
      - tektonconfigs
      - get
      - list
      - patch
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: patch-tekton-config-parameters
    namespace: openshift-operators

A complete example is in my cluster-config repository.

Integrating RHACS with OpenShift Authentication in GitOps

Further to my previous post about deploying Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS) via GitOps, the newest version of RHACS enables direct integration with OpenShift OAuth. This addition means that it is no longer required to use RH-SSO to integrate with OpenShift authentication which greatly simplifies the configuration.

To configure RHACS to use this feature in GitOps, we can craft a simple kubernetes job to leverage the ACS REST API to push the configuration into RHACS once Central is up and running. This job can be found here in my cluster-config repo but also is shown below:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  annotations: "10"
  name: create-oauth-auth-provider
  namespace: stackrox
        - image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/cli:latest
          - name: PASSWORD
                name: central-htpasswd
                key: password
          - name: DEFAULT_ROLE
            value: Admin
          - name: UI_ENDPOINT
            - /bin/bash
            - -c
            - |
              #!/usr/bin/env bash
              # Wait for central to be ready
              echo "Waiting for central to be available..."
              until $(curl -k --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail https://central); do
                  if [ ${attempt_counter} -eq ${max_attempts} ];then
                    echo "Max attempts reached"
                    exit 1
                  printf '.'
                  echo "Made attempt $attempt_counter, waiting..."
                  sleep 5
              echo "Configuring OpenShift OAuth Provider"
              echo "Test if OpenShift OAuth Provider already exists"
              response=$(curl -k -u "admin:$PASSWORD" https://central/v1/authProviders?name=OpenShift | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['authProviders'], end = '')")
              if [[ "$response" != "[]" ]] ; then
                echo "OpenShift Provider already exists, exiting"
                exit 0
              export DATA='{"name":"OpenShift","type":"openshift","active":true,"uiEndpoint":"'${UI_ENDPOINT}'","enabled":true}'
              echo "Posting data: ${DATA}"
              authid=$(curl -k -X POST -u "admin:$PASSWORD" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data $DATA https://central/v1/authProviders | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['id'], end = '')")
              echo "Authentication Provider created with id ${authid}"
              echo "Updating minimum role to ${DEFAULT_ROLE}"
              export DATA='{"previous_groups":[],"required_groups":[{"props":{"authProviderId":"'${authid}'"},"roleName":"'${DEFAULT_ROLE}'"}]}'
              curl -k -X POST -u "admin:$PASSWORD" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data $DATA https://central/v1/groupsbatch
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: create-oauth-auth-provider
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Never
      serviceAccount: create-cluster-init
      serviceAccountName: create-cluster-init
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

The job will wait for Central to be available so it can be deployed simultaneously with the operator as per my last article. Also while you could optionally run this as a post-sync hook in Argo CD, however since this job is something that only needs to be run once I’ve opted to not annotate it with the post sync hook.

GitOps and OpenShift Operators Best Practices

In OpenShift, Operators are typically installed through the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) which provides a great user interface and experience. Unfortunately OLM was really designed around a UI experience and as a result when moving to a GitOps approach there are a few things to be aware of in order to get the best outcomes. The purpose of this blog is to outline a handful of best practices that we’ve found after doing this for awhile, so without further ado here is the list:

1. Omit startingCSV in Subscriptions

When bringing an operator into GitOps, it’s pretty common to install an operator manually and then extract the yaml for the subscription and push it into a git repo. This will often appear as per this example:

kind: Subscription
  labels: ""
  name: amq7-cert-manager-operator
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: 1.x
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: amq7-cert-manager-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  startingCSV: amq7-cert-manager.v1.0.1

OLM will automatically populate the startingCSV for you which represents the specific version of the operator that you want to install. The problem with this is that operator versions will change regularly with updates meaning that everytime it changes you will need to update the version in the git repo. The majority of the time we simply want to consume the latest and greatest operator, omitting the startingCSV accomplishes that goal and greatly reduces the maintenance required for the subscription yaml.

Of course if you have a requirement to install a very specific version of the operator by all means include it, however in my experience this requirement tends to be rare.

2. Create OperatorGroup with namespaces

An OperatorGroup to quote the documentation “provides multitenant configuration to OLM-installed Operators”. Everytime you install an operator there must be one and only one OperatorGroup in the namespace. Some default namespaces, like openshift-operators, will have an OperatorGroup out of the box and you do not need to create a new one from GitOps. However if you want to install operators into your own namespaces you will need to have an OperatorGroup.

When using kustomize there is a temptation to bundle the OperatorGroup with a Subscription. This should be avoided because if you want to install multiple operators, say Prometheus and Grafana, in the same namespace they will create multiple OperatorGroups and prevent the operators from installing.

As a result if I need to install operators in GitOps I much prefer creating the OperatorGroup as part of the same kustomize folder where I’m creating the namespace. This allows me to aggregate multiple operators across different bases without getting into OperatorGroup confusion.

3. Omit the olm.providedAPIs annotation in OperatorGroup

Similar to startingCSV, when manually installing operators you will notice that OLM populates an annotation called olm.providedAPIs. Since OLM will populate it automatically there is no need to include this in the yaml in git as it becomes one more element that you will need to maintain.

4. Prefer manual installation mode

When installing an operator via OLM you can choose to install it in manual or automatic mode. For production clusters you should prefer the manual installation mode in order to control when operator upgrades happen. Unfortunately when using manual mode OLM requires you to approve the initial installation of the operator. While this is easy to do in the console UI it’s a little more challenging with a GitOps tool.

Fortunately my colleague Andrew Pitt has you covered and wrote an excellent tool to handle this, installplan-approver. This is a kubernetes job that you can deploy alongside the operator Subscription that watches for the installplan that OLM creates and automatically approves it. This gives you the desired workflow of automatic installation but manual approvals of upgrades.

Since this is run as a kubernetes job it only runs once and will not accidentally approve upgrades. In other words, subsequent synchronizations from a GitOps tool like Argo CD will not cause the job to run again since from the GitOps tool perspective the job aleeady exists and is synchronized.

5. Checkout the operators already available in Red Hat COP gitops-catalog

Instead of re-inventing a wheel, check out the operators that have already been made available for GitOps in the Red Hat Community of Practice (COP) gitops-catalog. This catalog has a number of commonly used operators already available for use with OpenShift Gitops (OpenShift Pipelines, OpenShift GitOps, Service Mesh, Logging and more). While this catalog is not officially supported by Red Hat, it provides a starting point for you to create your own in-house catalog and benefiting from the work of others.

Well that’s it for now, if you have more best practices feel free to add them in the comments.

Deploying Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (aka Stackrox) with GitOps

I’ve been running Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS) in my personal cluster via the stackrox helm chart for quite awhile, however now that the RHACS operator is available I figured it was time to step up my game and integrate it into my gitops cluster configuration instead of deploying it manually.

Broadly speaking when installing RHACS manually on a cluster there are four steps that you typically need to do:

  1. Subscribe the operator into your cluster via Operator Hub into the stackrox namespace
  2. Deploy an instance of Central which provides the UI, dashboards, etc (i.e. the single pane of glass) to interact with the product using the Central CRD API
  3. Create and download a cluster-init bundle in Central for the sensors and deploy it into the stackrox namespace
  4. Deploy the sensors via the SecuredCluster

When looking at these steps there are a couple of challenges to overcome for the process to be done via GitOps:

  • The steps need to happen sequentially, in particular the cluster-init bundle needs to be deployed before the SecuredCluster
  • Retrieving the cluster-init bundle requires interacting with the Central API as it is not managed via a kubernetes CRD

Fortunately both of these challenges are easily overcome. For the first challenge we can leverage Sync Waves in Argo CD to deploy items in a defined order. To do this, we simply annotate the objects with the desired order, aka wave, that we want using For example, here is the operator subscription which goes first as we defined it in wave ‘0’:

kind: Subscription
  annotations: "0"
  labels: ''
  name: rhacs-operator
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: latest
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: rhacs-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  startingCSV: rhacs-operator.v3.62.0

The second challenge, retrieving the cluster-init bundle, is straightforward using the RHACS Central API. To invoke the API we create a small Kubernetes job that Argo CD will deploy after Central is up and running but before the SecuredCluster. The job will use a ServiceAccount with just enough permissions to retrieve the password and then interact with the API, an abbreviated version of the job highlighting the meat of it appears below:

echo "Configuring cluster-init bundle"
export DATA={\"name\":\"local-cluster\"}
curl -k -o /tmp/bundle.json -X POST -u "admin:$PASSWORD" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data $DATA https://central/v1/cluster-init/init-bundles
echo "Bundle received"
echo "Applying bundle"
# No jq in container, python to the rescue
cat /tmp/bundle.json | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['kubectlBundle'])" | base64 -d | oc apply -f -

The last thing that needs to happen to make this work is define a custom health check in Argo CD for Central. If we do not have this healthcheck Argo CD will not wait for Central to be fully deployed before moving on to the next item in the wave which will cause issues when the job tries to execute and no Central is available. In your argo CD resource customization you need to add the following:
      health.lua: |
        hs = {}
        if obj.status ~= nil and obj.status.conditions ~= nil then
            for i, condition in ipairs(obj.status.conditions) do
              if condition.status == "True" and condition.reason == "InstallSuccessful" then
                  hs.status = "Healthy"
                  hs.message = condition.message
                  return hs
        hs.status = "Progressing"
        hs.message = "Waiting for Central to deploy."
        return hs

A full example of the healthcheck is in the repo I use to install the OpenShift GitOps operator here.

At this point you should have a fully functional RHACS deployment in your cluster being managed by the OpenShift GitOps operator (Argo CD). Going further, you can extend the example by using the Central API to integrate with RH-SSO and other components in your infrastructure using the same job technique to fetch the cluster-init-bundle.

The complete example of this approach is available in the Red Hat Canada GitOps Catalog repo in the acs-operator folder.

Discovering OpenShift Resources in Quarkus

I have a product-catalog application that I have been using as a demo for awhile now, it’s essentially a three tier application as per the topology view below with the front-end (client) using React, the back-end (server) written in Quarkus and a Maria database.

The client application is a Single Page Application (SPA) using React that talks directly to the server application via REST API calls. As a result, the Quarkus server back-end needs to have CORS configured in order to accept requests from the front-end application. While a wildcard, i.e. ‘*’, certainly works, in cases where it’s not a public API I prefer a more restrictive setting for CORS, i.e.

The downside of this restrictive approach is that I need to customize this CORS setting on every namespace and cluster I deploy the application into since the client route is unique in each of those cases. While tools like kustomize or helm can help with this, the client URL needed for the CORS configuration is already defined as a route in OpenShift so why not just have the application discover the URL at runtime via the kubernetes API?

This was my first stab at using the openshift-client in Quarkus and it was surprisingly easy to get going. The Quarkus guide on using the kubernetes/openshift client is excellent as is par for the course with Quarkus guides. Folowing the guide, the first step is adding the extension to your pom.xml:

./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="openshift-client"

After that it’s just a matter of writing some code to discover the route. I opted to label the route with endpoint:client and to search for the route by that label. The first step was to create a LabelSelector as follows:

LabelSelector selector = new LabelSelectorBuilder().withMatchLabels(Map.ofEntries(entry("endpoint", "client"))).build();

Now that we have the label selector we can then ask for a list of routes matching that selector:

List<Route> routes = openshiftClient.routes().withLabelSelector(selector).list().getItems();

Finally with the list of routes I opt to use the first match. Note for simplicity I’m omitting a bunch of checking and logging that I am doing if there are zero matches or multiple matches, the full class with all of those checks appears further below.

Route route = routes.get(0);
String host = route.getSpec().getHost();
boolean tls = false;
if (route.getSpec().getTls() != null && "".equals(route.getSpec().getTls().getTermination())) {
    tls = true;
String corsOrigin = (tls?"https":"http") + "://" + host;

Once we have our corsOrigin, we set it as a system property to override the default setting:

System.setProperty("", corsOrigin);

In OpenShift you will need to give the view role to the serviceaccount that is running the pod in order for it to be able to interact with the Kubernetes API. This can be done via the CLI as follows:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user view -z default

Alternatively if using a kustomize or GitOps the equivalent yaml would be as follows:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: default-view
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: view
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default

So that’s basically it, with a little bit of code I’ve reduced the amount of configuration that needs to be done to deploy the app on a per namespace/cluster basis. The complete code is below appears below.

package com.redhat.demo;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.Map.entry;
import java.util.List;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.event.Observes;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.LabelSelector;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.LabelSelectorBuilder;
import io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Route;
import io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient;
import io.quarkus.runtime.ShutdownEvent;
import io.quarkus.runtime.StartupEvent;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
public class OpenShiftSettings {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("ListenerBean");
    OpenShiftClient openshiftClient;
    void onStart(@Observes StartupEvent ev) {
        // Test if we are running in a pod
        String k8sSvcHost = System.getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST");
        if (k8sSvcHost == null || "".equals(k8sSvcHost)) {
            LOGGER.infof("Not running in kubernetes, using CORS_ORIGIN environment '%s' variable",
                    ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("", String.class));
        if (System.getenv("CORS_ORIGIN") != null) {
            LOGGER.infof("CORS_ORIGIN explicitly defined bypassing route lookup");
        // Look for route with label endpoint:client
        if (openshiftClient.getMasterUrl() == null) {
  "Kubernetes context is not available");
        } else {
            LOGGER.infof("Application is running in OpenShift %s, checking for labelled route",
            LabelSelector selector = new LabelSelectorBuilder()
                    .withMatchLabels(Map.ofEntries(entry("endpoint", "client"))).build();
            List<Route> routes = null;
            try {
                routes = openshiftClient.routes().withLabelSelector(selector).list().getItems();
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Unexpected error occurred retrieving routes, using environment variable CORS_ORIGIN", e);
            if (routes == null || routes.size() == 0) {
      "No routes found with label 'endpoint:client', using environment variable CORS_ORIGIN");
            } else if (routes.size() > 1) {
                LOGGER.warn("More then one route found with 'endpoint:client', using first one");
            Route route = routes.get(0);
            String host = route.getSpec().getHost();
            boolean tls = false;
            if (route.getSpec().getTls() != null && "".equals(route.getSpec().getTls().getTermination())) {
                tls = true;
            String corsOrigin = (tls ? "https" : "http") + "://" + host;
            System.setProperty("", corsOrigin);
        LOGGER.infof("Using host %s for cors origin",
                ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("", String.class));
    void onStop(@Observes ShutdownEvent ev) {"The application is stopping...");

This code is also in my public repository.

RH-SSO (Keycloak) and GitOps

One of the underappreciated benefits of OpenShift is the included and supported SSO product called, originally enough, Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO). This is the productized version of the very popular upstream Keycloak community project which has seen widespread adoption amongst many different organizations.

While deploying RH-SSO (or Keycloak) from a GitOps perspective is super easy, managing the configuration of the product using GitOps is decidedly not. In fact I’ve been wanting to deploy and use RH-SSO in my demo clusters for quite awhile but balked at manually managing the configuration or resorting to the import/export capabilities. Also, while the Keycloak Operator provides some capabilities in this area, it is limited in the number of objects it supports (Realms, Clients and Users)and is still maturing so it wasn’t an option either.

An alternative tool that I stumbled upon is Keycloakmigration which enables you to configure your keycloak instance using yaml. It was designed to support pipelines where updates need to constantly flow into keycloak, as a result it follows a changelog model rather then a purely declarative form which I would prefer for GitOps. Having said that, in basic testing it works well in the GitOps context but my testing to date, as mentioned, has been basic.

Let’s look at how the changelog works, here is an example changelog file:

  - path: 01-realms.yml
  - path: 02-clients-private.yml
  - path: 03-openshift-users-private.yml
  - path: 04-google-idp-private.yml

Notice that it is simply specifying a set of files with each file in the changelog represents a set of changes to make to Keycloak, for example the 01-realms.yml adds two realms called openshift and 3scale:

id: add-realms
author: gnunn
  - addRealm:
      name: openshift
  - addRealm:
      name: 3scale

The file to add new clients to the openshift realm, 02-clients-private.yml, appears as follows:

id: add-openshift-client
author: gnunn
realm: openshift
# OpenShift client
- addSimpleClient:
    clientId: openshift
    secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - ""
- updateClient:
    clientId: openshift
    standardFlowEnabled: true
    implicitFlowEnabled: false
    directAccessGrantEnabled: true
# Stackrox client
- addSimpleClient:
    clientId: stackrox
    secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      - ""
      - ""
- updateClient:
    clientId: stackrox
    standardFlowEnabled: true
    implicitFlowEnabled: false
    directAccessGrantEnabled: true

To create this changelog in kustomize, we can simply use the secret generator:

kind: Kustomization

namespace: sso

  disableNameSuffixHash: true

- name: keycloak-migration
  - secrets/keycloak-changelog.yml
  - secrets/01-realms.yml
  - secrets/02-clients-private.yml
  - secrets/03-openshift-users-private.yml
  - secrets/04-google-idp-private.yml

Now it should be noted that many of the files potentially contain sensitive information including client secrets and user passwords, as a result I would strongly recommend encrypting the secret before storing it in git using something like Sealed Secrets. I personally keep the generated commented out and only enable it when I need to generate the secret before sealing it. All of the files with the -private suffix are not stored in git.

Once you have the secret generated with the changelog and associated files, a Post-Sync job in ArgoCD can be used to execute the Keycloakmigration tool to perform the updates in Keycloak. Here is the job I am using:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: keycloak-migration
  namespace: sso
  annotations: PostSync HookSucceeded
      - image: klg71/keycloakmigration
        - name: BASEURL
          value: ""
        - name: CORRECT_HASHES
          value: "true"
        - name: ADMIN_USERNAME
              name: sso-admin-credential
              key: ADMIN_USERNAME
        - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD
              name: sso-admin-credential
              key: ADMIN_PASSWORD
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: keycloak-migration
        - name: keycloak-migration
          mountPath: "/migration"
          readOnly: true
        - name: logs
          mountPath: "/logs"
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
      - name: keycloak-migration
          secretName: keycloak-migration
      - name: logs
        emptyDir: {}

In this job the various parameters are passed as environment variables. We directly mount the SSO admin secret into the container so that the tool can interact with Keycloak. The other interesting parameter to note is the CORRECT_HASHES parameter. I had some issues where if I manually changed an object the migration would refuse to run since it no longer followed the changelog. Since my environment is ephemeral and subject to troubleshooting, I opted to add this parameter to force the process to continue. I do need to test this out further before deciding whether I should leave it or remove it.

In summary, this shows one possible approach to configuring Keycloak using a GitOps approach. While my testing to this point has been very basic, I’m optimistic about the possibilities and look forward to trying it out more.

Managing OpenShift Cluster Configuration with GitOps

Where are all the people going
Round and round till we reach the end
One day leading to another
Get up, go out, do it again

Do It Again, The Kinks


If you manage multiple Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters long enough, particularly ephemeral clusters which come and go, you’ve probably experienced that “Do it Again” feeling of monotonously repeating the same tasks over and over again to provision and setup a cluster. This is where GitOps comes into play helping automate those tasks in a reliable and consistent fashion.

First off, what is GitOps and why should you care about it? Simply GitOps is the process of continuously reconciling the state of a system with the state declared in a Git repository, at the end of the day that’s all it does. But buried in that simple statement, coupled with the declarative nature of Kubernetes, is what enables you to build, deliver, update and manage clusters at scale reliability and effectively and that’s why you should care.

Essentially in a GitOps approach the state of our cluster configuration is stored in git and as changes in git occur a GitOps tool will automatically update the cluster state to match. Just as a importantly, if someone changes the state of a cluster directly by modifying or deleting a resource via kubectl/oc or a GUI console the GitOps tool can automatically bring the cluster back in line with the state declared in git.

This can be thought of as a reconciliation loop where the GitOps tool is constantly ensuring the state of the cluster matches the declared state in git. In organization’s where configuration drift is a serious issue this capability should not be under-estimated in terms of daramatically improving reliability and consistency to cluster configuration and deployments. It also provides a strong audit trail of changes since every cluster change is represented by a git commit.

The concept of managing the state of a system in Git is not new, developers have been using source control for many years. On the operations side the concept of “Infrastructure as Code” has also existed for many years with middling success and adoption.

What’s different now is Kubernetes which provides a declarative rather then imperative platform and the benefits of being able to encapsulate the state of a system and have the system itself be responsible for matching this desired state is enormous. This almost (but not quite completely) eliminates the need for complex and often brittle imperative type scripts or playbooks to manage the state of the system that we often saw when organizations attempted “Infrastructure as Code”.

In a nutshell Kubernetes provides it’s own reconciliation loop, it’s constantly ensuring the state of the cluster matches the desired declared state. For example, when you deploy an application and change the number of replicas from 2 to 3 you are changing the desired state and the kubernetes controller is responsible for making that happen. At the end of the day GitOps is doing the same thing but just taking it one level higher.

This is why GitOps with Kubernetes is such a good fit that it becomes the natural approach.

GitOps and Kubernetes

Tools of the Trade

Now that you have hopefully been sold on the benefits of adopting a GitOps approach to cluster configuration let’s look at some of the tools that we will be using in this article.

Kustomize. When starting with GitOps many folks begin with storing raw yaml in their git repository. While this works it quickly leads to a lot of duplication (i.e. copy and paste) of yaml as one needs to tweak and tailor the yaml for specific use cases, environments or clusters. Over time this quickly becomes burdensome to maintain leading folks to look at alternatives. Typically there are two choices that folks typically gravitate towards: Helm or Kustomize.

Helm is a templating framework that provides package management of applications in a kubernetes cluster. Kustomize on the other hand is not a templating framework but rather a patching framework. Kustomize works by enabling developers to inherit, commpose and aggregate yaml and make changes to this yaml using various patching strategies such as merging or JSON patching. Since it is a patching framework, it can feel quite different to those used to a more conventional templating frameworks such as Helm, OpenShift Templates or Ansible Jinja.

Kustomize works on the concept of bases and overlays. Bases are essentially, as the name implies, the base raw yaml for a specific functionality. For example I could have a base to deploy a database into my cluster. Overlays on the other hand inherit from one or more bases and is where bases are patched for specific environments or clusters. So taking the previous example, I could have a database base for deploying MariaDB and an overlay that patches that base for an environment to use a specific password.

My strong personal preference is to use kustomize for gitops in enterprise teams where the team owns the yaml. One recommendation I would have when using kustomize to come up with an organizational standard for folder structure of bases and overlays in order to provide consistentcy and readability across repos and teams. My personal standard that we will be using in this article is located in my standards repository. By no means am I saying this standard is the one true way, however regardless of what standard you put in place having a standard is critical.

ArgoCD. While kustomize helps you organize and manage your yaml in git repos, we need a tool that can manage the GitOps integration with the cluster and provide the reconciliation loop we are looking for. In this article we will focus on ArgoCD, however there are a plethora of tools in this space including Flux, Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) and more.

I’m using ArgoCD for a few reasons. First I like it. Second it will be supported as part of OpenShift as an operator called OpenShift GitOps. For OpenShift customers with larger scale needs I would recommend checking out ACM in conjunction with ArgoCD and the additional capabilities it brings to the table.



Some key concepts to be aware of with ArgoCD include:

  • Applications. ArgoCD uses the concept of an Application to represent an item (git repo + context path) in git that is deployed to the cluster, while the term Application is used this does not necessarily correspond 1:1 to an application. The deployment of set of Roles and RoleBindings to the cluster could be an application, an operator subscription could be an Application, a three tier app could be a single application, etc. Basically don’t get hung up on the term Application, it’s really just the level of encapsulation.
  • In short, at the end of the day an Application is really just a reference to a git repository as per the example below:

    kind: Application
      name: config-groups-and-membership
        namespace: argocd
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: cluster-config
        path: manifests/configs/groups-and-membership/overlays/default
        targetRevision: master
  • Projects. As per the ArgoCD website, “Projects provide a logical grouping of applications” which can be useful when organizing applications deployed into ArgoCD. It is also where you can apply RBAC and restrictions around applications in terms of the namespaces where applications can be deployed, what k8s APIs they can use, etc. In general I primarily use projects as an organization tool and prefer the model of deploying separate namespace scoped instances of ArgoCD on a per team level (not per app!) to provide isolation.
  • App of Apps. The “App of App” pattern refers to using an ArgoCD application to declaratively deploy other ArgoCD applications. Essentially you have an ArgoCD application that points to a git repository with other ArgoCD applications in them. The benefit of this approach is it enables you to deploy a single application to deliver a wide swath of functionality without having to deploy each application individually. That’s correct, it’s turtles all the way down. Note though that at some point in the future that the App of Apps pattern will likely be replaced by ApplicationSets.
  • Sync Waves. In Kubernetes there is often a need to handle dependencies, i.e. to deploy one thing before another. In ArgoCD this capability is provided by sync waves which enables you to annotate an application with the wave number it is part of. This is particularly powerful with the “App of App” pattern where we can use it to deploy our applications in a particular order which we will see when we do the cluster configuration (I’m getting there, I promise!)

Sealed Secrets. When you first start with GitOps the first reaction is typically “Awesome, we are storing all our stuff in git” shortly followed by “Crap we are storing all of our stuff in git including secrets”. To use GitOps effectively you need a way to either manage your secrets externally from git or encrypt them in git. There are a huge number of tools available for this, in Red Hat Canada we’ve settled on Sealed Secrets as it provides a straightforward way to encrypt/decrypt secrets in git and is easy to manage for our demos. Having said that we don’t have a hard and fast recommendation here, if your organization has an existing secret management solution (i.e. like Hashicorps Vault for example) I would highly recommend looking at using that as a first step.

Sealed Secrets runs as a controller in the cluster that will automatically decrypt a SealedSecret CR into a corresponding Secret. Secrets are encrypted using a private key which is most commonly associated to a specific cluster, i.e. the production cluster would have a different key then the development cluster. Secrets are tied to a namespace and can only be decrypted in the namespace for which they are intended. Finally a CLI called kubeseal allows users to quickly create a new SealedSecret for a particular cluster and namespace.

Bringing it all Together

With the background out of the way, let’s talk about bringing it all together to manage cluster configuration for GitOps. Assuming you have a freshly installed cluster all shiny and gleaming, the first step is to deploy ArgoCD into the cluster. There’s always a bit of a chicken and egg here in that you need to get the GitOps tool deployed before you can actually start GitOps’ing. For simplicity we will deploy ArgoCD manually here using kustomize, however a more enterprise solution would be to use something like ACM which can push out Argo to clusters on it’s own.

The Red Hat Canada GitOps organization has a repo with a standardized deployment and configuration of ArgoCD that we share in our team thanks to the hard work of Andrew Pitt. Our ArgoCD configuration includes resource customizations and exclusions that we have found made sense in our OpenShift environments. These changes help ArgoCD work better with certain resources to detemine if an application is in or out of sync.

To deploy ArgoCD to a cluster, you can simply clone the repo and use the include script which deploys the operator followed by the ArgoCD instance in the argocd namespace.

Once you have ArgoCD deployed and ready to go you can actually start creating a cluster configuration repository. My cluster configuration is located in github at, my recommendation would be to start from scratch with your own repo rather then forking mine and slowly build it up to meet your needs. Having said that, let’s walk through how my repo is setup as an example.

The first thing you will notice is the structure with three key folders at the root level: clusters, environments and manifests. I cover these extensively in my standards document but here is a quick recap:

  • manifests. A base set of kustomize manifests and yaml for applications, operators, configuration and ArgoCD app/project definitions. Everything is inherited from here
  • environments. Environment specific aggregation and patching is found here. Unlike app environments (prod/test/qa), this is meant as environments that will share the same configuration (production vs non-production, aws versus azure, etc). It aggregates the argocd applications you wish deployed with the next level in the heirarchy clusters, using an app of app pattern.
  • clusters. Cluster specific configuration, it does not directly aggregate the environments but instead employs an app-of-app pattern to define one or more applications that point to the environment set of applications. It also includes anything that needs to be directly bootstrapped, i.e. a specific sealed-secrets key as an example.

The relationship between these folders is shown in the diagram above. The clusters folder can consume kustomize bases/overlays from both environments and manifests while environments can only consume from manifests, never clusters. This organizational rule helps keep things sane and logical.

So let’s look in a bit more detail how things are organized. So if you look at my environments folder you will see three overlays are present: bootstrap, local and cloud. Local and cloud represent my on-prem and cloud based environments, but what’s bootstrap and why does it exist?

Regardless of the cluster you are configuring, there is a need to bootstrap some things directly in the cluster outside of a GitOps context. If you look at the kustomization file you will see there are two items in particular that get bootstrapped directly:

  • ArgoCD Project. We need to add an ArgoCD project to act as a logical grouping for our cluster configuration. In my case the project is called cluster-config
  • Sealed Secret Key. I like to provision a known key for decrypting my SealedSecret objects in the cluster so that I have a known state to work from rather then SealedSecret generating a new key on install. This also makes it possible to restore a cluster from scratch without having to re-encrypt all the secrets in git. Note that the kustomization in bootstrap references a file sealed-secrets-secret.yaml which is not in git, this is the private key and is essentially the keys to the kingdom. I include this file in my .gitignore so it never gets accidentally committed to git.

Next if you examine the local environment kustomize file, notice that it is importing all of the ArgoCD applications that will be included in this environment along with any specific environment patching required.

kind: Kustomization

namespace: argocd

- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/sealed-secrets-operator/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/letsencrypt-certs/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/storage/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/alertmanager/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/prometheus-user-app/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/console-links/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/helm-repos/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/oauth/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/container-security-operator/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/compliance-operator/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/pipelines-operator/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/web-terminal-operator/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/groups-and-membership/base
- ../../../manifests/argocd/apps/namespace-configuration-operator/base

- target:
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: Application
  path: patch-application.yaml
- target:
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: Application
    name: config-authentication
  path: patch-authentication-application.yaml

Now if we move up to the clusters folder you will see two folders at the time of this writing, ocplab and home, which are the two clusters I typically manage. The ocplab cluster is an ephemeral cluster that is installed and removed periodically in AWS, the home cluster is the one sitting in my homelab. Drilling into the clusters/overlays/home folder you will see the following sub-folders:

  • apps
  • argocd
  • configs

The apps and configs folders mirror the same folders in manifests, these are apps and configs that are specific to a cluster or ones that need to be patched for a specific cluster. If you look at the argocd folder and drill into cluster-config/clusters/overlays/home/argocd/apps/kustomization.yaml file you will see the kustomization as follows:

kind: Kustomization

- ../../../../../environments/overlays/local

- ../../../../../manifests/argocd/apps/cost-management-operator/base

# Patch console links for cluster routes
- target:
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: Application
    name: config-console-links
  path: patch-console-link-app.yaml
# Patch so compliance scan only runs on masters and doesn't get double-run
- target:
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: Application
    name: config-compliance-security
  path: patch-compliance-operator-app.yaml
# Path cost management to use Home source
- target:
    version: v1alpha1
    kind: Application
    name: config-cost-management
  path: patch-cost-management-operator-app.yaml

Notice this is inheriting the local environment as it’s base so it’s pulling in all of the ArgoCD applications from there and applying cluster specific patching as needed. Remember way back when we talked about the App of App pattern? Let’s look at that next.

Brining up the /clusters/overlays/home/argocd/manager/cluster-config-manager-app.yaml file, this is the App of App which I typically suffix the name with “-manager” since it manages the other applications. This file appears as follows:

kind: Application
  name: cluster-config-manager
    gitops.ownedBy: cluster-config
    namespace: argocd
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  project: cluster-config
    path: clusters/overlays/home/argocd/apps
    targetRevision: master
      prune: false
      selfHeal: true

Note that the path is telling ArgoCD to deploy what we looked at earlier, i.e. where all of the cluster applications are defined by referencing the local environment. Thus deplying this manager application pulls in all of the other applications and deploys them as well, so running this single command:

kustomize build clusters/overlays/home/argocd/manager | oc apply -f -

Results in this:

Now as mentioned, all of the cluster configuration is deployed in a specific order using ArgoCD sync waves. In this repository the following order is used:

Wave Item
1 Sealed Secrets
2 Lets Encrypt for wildcard routes
3 Storage (iscsi storageclass and PVs)
11 Cluster Configuration (Authentication, AlertManager, etc)
21 Operators (Pipelines, CSO, Compliance, Namespace Operator, etc)

You can see these waves defined as annotations in the various ArgoCD applications, for example the sealed-secrets application has the following:

  annotations: "1"


Well that brings this entry to a close, GitOps is a game changing way to manage your clusters and deploy applications. While there is some work and learning involved in getting everything set up once you do it you’ll never want to go back to manual processes again.

If you are making changes in a GUI console you are doing it wrong


I want to thank my cohort in GitOps, Andrew Pitt. A lot of the stuff I talked about here comes from Andrew, he did all the initial work with ArgoCD in our group and was responsible for evangelizing it. I started with Kustomize, Andrew started with ArgoCD and we ended up meeting in the middle, perfect team!